Over four Saturdays in September and October 2023, Wellington City Council held a Citizens’ Assembly to inform the development of the 2024-34 Long-term Plan. The Assembly was asked to give a collective view about which Council services should be prioritised over the next 10 years, balancing community benefits with the cost of delivering these services. Read their advice here.

The Citizens’ Assembly was made up of 42 people who represent Wellington’s population in terms of age (16+), gender, ethnicity, education levels, and home ownership. Invitations were sent to 10,000 randomly selected Wellington addresses. Around 800 people responded, and the participants were selected by an independent research agency.

During the Assembly, participants were able to request information about a range of relevant issues and hear from experts. The sessions were facilitated to ensure all perspectives were heard and a collective view developed.

At the end of the final session, the Assembly will presented their findings to the Mayor and Councillors, who will consider them when making decisions about the 2024-34 Long-term Plan.

Read more about what a citizen's assembly is here and in the newsfeed below.

And find out more about the selection process here and in the newsfeed below.
