Latest update
Thank you for submitting your thoughts on the concept design for Frederick Street Park.
The project team will be working hard to adapt our concept design with consideration of what we heard from the feedback received through our engagement with key stakeholders and project partners. We will share the developed design with the public in 2024. This design iteration will show greater detail, including the integration of the cultural artworks, any changes to accommodate water-sensitive design systems and greater clarity on things like materials and planting.
To read more about what we heard in our engagements, read the Our Wellington article, and our engagement report.
We are creating a new public park and open space, that will improve the local community by providing an additional green space in Te Aro. This new space will be located on the corner of Taranaki Street and Frederick Street, it will sit alongside the Chinese Mission Hall and a new residential apartment block.
About the project
This project aims to establish a new park in Wellington that strengthens community connections and improves the surrounding environment. By celebrating our cultural heritage and fostering a sense of unity, we seek to create an inviting green space where people can gather, relax, and enjoy meaningful experiences. This initiative will enhance the overall quality of life in our community by preserving our unique identity and promoting the natural beauty of Wellington.
Project background
The Council’s Green Network Plan has a target to deliver two new inner-city parks for Wellington. This project will be the first new park to be delivered in line with this strategy.
The Te Aro precinct currently has a deficiency of greening, with only three active/passive recreation spaces available for inner city residents. The anticipated population growth of Wellington Central presents a need for additional green/public open spaces.
By developing more green spaces in relation to areas of expected residential growth, we can deliver ‘density done well’, this is ensuring a level of service and amenity is available to inner city residents, contributing to their wellbeing and positive experience of inner city living.
You can read more about the Frederick St space and its historical context in the background document (Documents section).
In July 2023 we ran a pre-engagement process that asked Wellingtonians about their concerns and aspirations for the future of Frederick Street Park. The survey’s 371 responses, as well as the high-quality feedback and insights from our engagements with the Chinese community, mana whenua, tau mai, and the community at DCM (Downtown Community Ministry) were analysed and incorporated into a concept design for the park.
Project priorities
Our main priorities within the project include:
- Partnership with Mana Whenua- Working in meaningful partnership with mana whenua to shape and contribute to project outcomes.
- Increase Greening- Align with the Green Network Plan’s key objectives and Our City Tomorrow goals for a greener city.
- Increasing accessibility by creating a space that considers and welcomes all users
- Water Sensitive Design – Consider opportunities for improving wai ora (water health) and storm water management
- Safety- Deliver on Poneke promise objectives to design public spaces that are safe. vibrant, welcoming, and well-maintained.