Cuba Street Play area renewal

Consultation has concluded

The Cuba Street play area is due for an upgrade, and we would love your help to understand how you experience the play area, and how you think we can make it better for visitors.

Where we are at

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on the Cuba Street play area. We gathered really valuable feedback from the community and have taken this on board in our design.

We have also been engaging with tamariki and rangatahi to help incorporate their ideas into the final concept design.

We are currently finalising the design, which we're excited to share as soon as we can.

More information

For any other queries, please send your thoughts and ideas about the Cuba Street play area, please email

You can read more about Wellington City Council’s strategic vision and planning for play areas in Wellington in the Play Spaces Policy (2017).

The Cuba Street play area is due for an upgrade, and we would love your help to understand how you experience the play area, and how you think we can make it better for visitors.

Where we are at

Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on the Cuba Street play area. We gathered really valuable feedback from the community and have taken this on board in our design.

We have also been engaging with tamariki and rangatahi to help incorporate their ideas into the final concept design.

We are currently finalising the design, which we're excited to share as soon as we can.

More information

For any other queries, please send your thoughts and ideas about the Cuba Street play area, please email

You can read more about Wellington City Council’s strategic vision and planning for play areas in Wellington in the Play Spaces Policy (2017).