Former Workingmen's Bowling Club – Newtown

June update:

On the 29 May, 2024 the Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee approved that the former Newtown Workingmen’s Bowling Club site be developed into a neighbourhood park for community use and small events.

Site preparations and building demolition will occur from the 24th June 2024 – 31 July 2024 (Weather dependant)

A link to the Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee report can be found here: Future of the Former Workingmens Bowling Club Site - Wellington Town Belt

The concept design pdf is now available in the documents section.

Next steps:

  • Inform the community and stakeholders of concept designs, site preparations and removal of the buildings.
  • Progress the concept design to detailed design.
  • Survey the land and complete cost estimates of the plan. 63. Inform the community of the final designs.
  • Tender construction project to the budget allocated and inform elected members and the community of construction timeframes.
  • Work with the community on the opening and a community event to activate the new area.

9 August 2023 update:

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey or attended a workshop to share their ideas for the future of the former Workingmen’s Bowling Club. You can check out a summary of the responses we received here or in the Documents section.

Keep an eye on this page for further updates!


The Workingmen's Bowling Club was established in 1947 at 177 Owen Street, leasing the land from the Council. The buildings and bowling greens were constructed by club volunteers. In 2021 the club closed, and the buildings and greens reverted to the Council.

In 2022 the Council agreed to allocate $1.5m to either remove, upgrade, or develop the building and grounds for ongoing community use. We would like to hear your views to make sure the future of the site meets the needs of Newtown.

The former bowling club site is a flat space measuring approximately 4000m2. An aerial image of the site is included below, highlighted in pink:

What we must take into account:

  • 117 Owen Street is part of the Wellington Town Belt, a unique area of green and open space protected by legislation for Wellingtonians to enjoy.
  • The Town Belt combines sportsgrounds, trails, bush, and play areas wrapped around the city, and is a valuable space for residents of the inner city and central suburbs to get active and enjoy time outdoors.
  • We must follow the Wellington Town Belt Act 2016 in developing a plan for this site. These rules mean that the land must be used for public recreation purposes. Examples of public recreation may include:
    • Picnics & family gatherings
    • Organised sport
    • Events
    • Informal games & play
  • Gardening and growing kai is a permitted recreational activity on Town Belt land; however, garden produce must be returned to the community (not for sale) and allotments must be open for community use (no private allotments).

For more information about permitted uses of Wellington Town Belt land, visit:

If you have any questions about the Wellington Town Belt rules, please get in touch.

What about the building?

The Town Belt rules mean that buildings, including the existing bowling clubrooms, are permitted where they are necessary for public recreation.

Buildings intended for non-recreational activities are not permitted on Town Belt - this includes community centres, housing, schools, childcare centres and Plunket rooms.

Upgrading the existing bowling clubrooms will only happen if it is feasible and required to support public recreation activity on the site.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Annelise Bos at: or phone 04 499 4444.

June update:

On the 29 May, 2024 the Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee approved that the former Newtown Workingmen’s Bowling Club site be developed into a neighbourhood park for community use and small events.

Site preparations and building demolition will occur from the 24th June 2024 – 31 July 2024 (Weather dependant)

A link to the Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee report can be found here: Future of the Former Workingmens Bowling Club Site - Wellington Town Belt

The concept design pdf is now available in the documents section.

Next steps:

  • Inform the community and stakeholders of concept designs, site preparations and removal of the buildings.
  • Progress the concept design to detailed design.
  • Survey the land and complete cost estimates of the plan. 63. Inform the community of the final designs.
  • Tender construction project to the budget allocated and inform elected members and the community of construction timeframes.
  • Work with the community on the opening and a community event to activate the new area.

9 August 2023 update:

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey or attended a workshop to share their ideas for the future of the former Workingmen’s Bowling Club. You can check out a summary of the responses we received here or in the Documents section.

Keep an eye on this page for further updates!


The Workingmen's Bowling Club was established in 1947 at 177 Owen Street, leasing the land from the Council. The buildings and bowling greens were constructed by club volunteers. In 2021 the club closed, and the buildings and greens reverted to the Council.

In 2022 the Council agreed to allocate $1.5m to either remove, upgrade, or develop the building and grounds for ongoing community use. We would like to hear your views to make sure the future of the site meets the needs of Newtown.

The former bowling club site is a flat space measuring approximately 4000m2. An aerial image of the site is included below, highlighted in pink:

What we must take into account:

  • 117 Owen Street is part of the Wellington Town Belt, a unique area of green and open space protected by legislation for Wellingtonians to enjoy.
  • The Town Belt combines sportsgrounds, trails, bush, and play areas wrapped around the city, and is a valuable space for residents of the inner city and central suburbs to get active and enjoy time outdoors.
  • We must follow the Wellington Town Belt Act 2016 in developing a plan for this site. These rules mean that the land must be used for public recreation purposes. Examples of public recreation may include:
    • Picnics & family gatherings
    • Organised sport
    • Events
    • Informal games & play
  • Gardening and growing kai is a permitted recreational activity on Town Belt land; however, garden produce must be returned to the community (not for sale) and allotments must be open for community use (no private allotments).

For more information about permitted uses of Wellington Town Belt land, visit:

If you have any questions about the Wellington Town Belt rules, please get in touch.

What about the building?

The Town Belt rules mean that buildings, including the existing bowling clubrooms, are permitted where they are necessary for public recreation.

Buildings intended for non-recreational activities are not permitted on Town Belt - this includes community centres, housing, schools, childcare centres and Plunket rooms.

Upgrading the existing bowling clubrooms will only happen if it is feasible and required to support public recreation activity on the site.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Annelise Bos at: or phone 04 499 4444.

Page last updated: 19 Jun 2024, 10:40 AM